EscapeKeeper Firmware Version History ------------------------------------- Version 3.45 - Nov 5, 2024 - Fixed bug where input sound in INXON folder wouldn't play when played from an external input that is used to play the clue. Version 3.38 - Oct 28, 2024 - Last One Wins Simon Says puzzle mode can now be interrupted during clue presentation. Version 3.36 - Jun 6, 2024 - Added feature where the last MISS sound could be repeated instead of looping back around. - Fixed bug where MISS sounds would stop playing if numbered sounds were used and all the sounds were played. Version 3.35 - Jun 6, 2024 - Inputs will no longer display on the Output Expander or NeoPixels when a Simon Says puzzle is playing the clue. Inputs will only register on those devices when the puzzle is ready for player input. Version 3.34 - Mar 19, 2024 - Fixed bug in Patch Panel puzzle mode where manually resetting the puzzle would cause a beep sound on the first few reset attempts. Version 3.28 - Nov 10, 2023 - Mission Impossible puzzle setup was not showing puzzle options 2 & 3 if the number of not break inputs was only 1. Version 3.27 - Nov 9, 2023 - Then Then That inputs for the second puzzle will not play sounds until the second puzzle has started. - This Then That success animation can now latch output(s) that will remain on during a Game Loop animation. Version 3.26 - Sep 26, 2023 - Inputs can now control outputs using _2ON, _2OFF, commands on EK JR, not just the EK. - Simon Says mode will not allow the buttons to play sounds unless the puzzle is ready for input from the players. - Simon Says mode now treats all button inputs as single-shot so input entry is a little more forgiving. - Fixed bug where Patch Panel puzzles would sometimes auto-reset when the puzzle was still in a success state. Version 3.25 - Jul 27, 2023 - Output 3 will now work in Mission Impossible mode. Version 3.24 - Jul 20, 2023 - Output 2 will now stay on when input is pressed in Morse code mode if Pulse Output 2 option is enabled. Version 3.23 - Jan 18, 2023 - The Success Bypass input can now interrupt a sound. - Animation will now keep outputs on after playback if programmed to. Tap 2 to turn off. - Fixed bug where input sounds would not play if latched inputs where enabled. - Fixed upgrade bug where versions <= 3.14 would not always upgrade settings correctly. - Fixed bug where output 3 animation would not stay on if programmed to. Version 3.17 - Dec 28, 2022 - Added an Attempt Timeout to the Number of Inputs puzzle mode. You can now limit how long players have to turn on all the inputs. - Improved recording process for This Then That multiple puzzle mode - Fixed bug where outputs could not be left when animation finished playing. - Fixed bug where input LEDs for RFID filtered inputs would stay on when the puzzle finished. Version 3.16 - Dec 13, 2022 - Added a new puzzle mode This Then That, which enables the EscapeKeeper to control many combinations of two different puzzles. - Added a new folder THISTHAT which can contain a sound file you might want to play when the first puzzle in the This Then That mode is solved. - A new animation slot has been added, which allows you to record animation you might want to play after the first puzzle is solved. - Added the ability for the EscapeKeeper’s inputs to control outputs 2 & 3 during the game. They can turn an output on momentarily, on, off, or pulse it. - Added an option to the Output Expander Indication Options, which allows inputs to control outputs when the game is not running. Version 3.14 - Nov 1, 2022 - Simon Says clue delay when played by an input is now 1 second instead of 3. - Added Advanced Option “Unlock Immediately on Success / Failure” if you want Output 1 to unlock before the sound is played. - _AFTER option in SUCCESS and FAILED folder now deprecated. Use option above instead. - Output 1 now correctly turns off immediately when Input 8 is used to bypass puzzle. Version 3.13 - Sep 20, 2022 - Latched inputs now remain displayed on external devices after puzzle is complete. They will turn off when the puzzle is restarted. Use _CLRLAT in the SUCCESS folder to force these to turn off after the success sound plays. - Fixed some sound effect bugs. - Improved sound playback in Input Sequence puzzle mode so that it's more seamless. - Auto-Reset feature now makes sure even filtered inputs are off before allowing a puzzle to reset. Version 3.12 - Apr 21, 2022 - When the Output Expander uses Inputs as a source, the Inputs now only activate outputs when the game is running. - Latched inputs now only latch when the game is running, and reset when the game is finished. - Input sequences using latched inputs combined with only "Miss on Code Length" now Miss correctly even if two or more inputs were activated at the same time. Version 2.78 - Feb 4, 2022 - Added option to clear progress outputs after success - Fixed an issue in Simon Says where the clue wouldn't play correctly when a new round starts. Version 2.68 - Nov 3, 2021 - Added a new Delayed Miss on Bad Input option to the Input Sequence puzzle mode. This option allows more robust input sequences to be created Version 2.67 - Nov 1, 2021 - The EscapeKeeper now ignores hidden files in certain situations when looking for audio files. This is to work around an issue where some computers sprinkle hidden files with .mp3 extensions to store metadata. Version 2.58 - Jun 9, 2021 - Added support for MISS sounds to the Patch Panel puzzle mode. Once all the wires have been inserted a miss sound will be played if the wires are not in the correct position. Version 2.57 - Jan 25, 2021 - Fixed a bug where the EK would NOT beep when starting or resetting a puzzle that is already in a solved state. This will work with Number of Inputs, Input State Match, and Patch Panel puzzle modes. Version 2.56 - Nov 23, 2020 - Fixed a bug with Output 1 Pulse mode, where it would stay on until the sound finished. Version 2.48 - Jun 10, 2020 - Progress indication using a servo now works with Simon Says Version 2.47 - Dec 18, 2019 - Added a Miss on Bad Input option to the Simon Says puzzle mode. - Added a Immediately Unlock on Good Sequence option to Input Sequence options. Version 2.46 - Oct 23, 2019 - Fixed a bug where the Output Expander would not work correctly if both banks were used. Version 2.45 - Oct 7, 2019 - The EK will now skip ID3 tags in MP3 files. This prevents delays at the beginning of sounds that have large ID3 tags with embedded images. Version 2.38 - July 12, 2019 - Fixed a bug where Progress indication on NeoPixels was not working for the Input Sequence puzzle mode. Version 2.37 - May 4, 2019 - The Input Latch Mode option now works correctly when combined with the Minimum On Time option. - The START sound can now be set to be Interrupted by the puzzle inputs. - Added the Set Reset Input to Single Shot Mode option to prevent the reset input from holding the EscapeKeeper in reset if it’s left on. This is useful if the Reset Input is controlled by the players through a magnet / reed switch setup. Now players will hear the START sound as soon as the reed switch is triggered, rather than when it’s triggered and then removed. Version 2.36 - May 1, 2019 - Fixed a bug where Mission Impossible mode would fail as soon as it was started. Version 2.35 - May 1, 2019 - Added a _LOOP option to the SUCCESS folder to allow the SUCCESS sound to be looped until the puzzle is started again, either manually or from the Auto-Reset timer. This could be useful if you want the EK to repeat an audio clue for another puzzle once it has been solved. - Fixed a bug where the GAMEON music would not resume after the first round during the Simon Says puzzle. Version 2.34 - Apr 30, 2019 - Improved Morse Code interpretation. - Added Input Latch Mode option to the Input Sequence puzzle mode to allow for puzzles like candle puzzles where lights/outputs have to turn off and stay off until they fail the attempt or succeed. - Added a Minimum On Time option to the Advanced Menu to filter out short inputs like those that would occur as a magnet was moved across a Ouija board or map with reed switches below. - Added _ONONLY option to INXON folders to prevent non-game input sounds from playing unless the puzzle is active. - Added a _NOINT option to the INXON folders to allow Input sounds to NOT be interrupted by other input sounds. - Added a Minimum Match Time option to the Input State Match puzzle to allow the match time to be adjusted. It was previously fixed at 1 second. - Increased Miss on Input Timeout delay in the Input Sequence puzzle mode. Added 15, 30, 60 seconds. - Added a Must Not Break Input Filter to the Mission Impossible mode to help with lasers / sensors that may vibrate slightly during play. - Added an Invert Reset Input option to the Advanced Menu to invert the behavior of the reset input. - Added a Turn Output 2 On During Sequence option the Input Sequence / Morse Code modes to keep output 2 on while a sequence is in progress. This can be used to let players know their presses are being registered. It turns off after a miss or success. - Increased time between Simon Says rounds from 1 second to 3 seconds. - Added a Use Pre-set Sequence Instead of Random option to the Simon Says options. This allows users to define their own sequences for each round in mode 1. Previously that mode could only be random. - Fixed a bug where sounds were delayed if another was triggered right at the end of the previous sound. - Fixed a bug where animation longer than 2m16s was ignored. - Fixed a Simon Says timing bug. - Fixed a Simon Says bug where the number of attempts per round was the selection + 1. Version 2.26 - Nov 5, 2018 - Completed Simon Says Random Input Sequence from Sound Filename mode. - Completed Simon Says Random Input State from Sound Filename mode. - Input sounds can now be different for each Simon Says round. - Mission Impossible Must-Break Inputs must now be off before the next attempt begins, otherwise it will cause a Miss. Version 2.18 - Sep 10, 2018 - Improved indication in the Input Sequence mode for displaying progress connected to the AUX output. Version 2.17 - Aug 9, 2018 - Outputs 2 & 3 now always turn off after a double-hit on the reset input. - Added an advanced option to allow use of single-shot inputs in the Input Sequence. - Inputs above Puzzle Inputs are now correctly ignored during input sequences. - When a game is failed, and the Output 1 Mode is set to unlock on failure, the door now unlocks after any Failed sound or animation is finished playing. - Added an _AFTER option in the FAILED folder. This can be used to play the failed sound after the door unlocks, rather than before it unlocks. Version 2.16 - July 28, 2018 - Fixed some bugs with Servo indication. - Added an _AFTER option in the SUCCESS folder. This can be used to play the success sound after the door is unlocks, rather than before it unlocks. Version 2.15 - July 17, 2018 - Mission Impossible mode can now turn lasers on once players activate input 1 if laser power relay is connected to output 3. Version 2.14 - July 12, 2018 - Added support for the Output Expander. - Game timer and logic now doesn't start until START scene is done. - Fixed a bug where patch panel wouldn't work with 7 cables. - Mission Impossible mode now works better with RFID inputs. Version 2.12 - Jun 8, 2018 - Added Simon Says puzzle mode. - Major improvements to Morse Code puzzle mode to improve short/long press. - interpretation and prevent brute forcing. - Some NeoPixel improvements. Version 2.01 - May 31, 2018 - Added Patch Panel Puzzle Mode. - Added support for NeoPixel and Servo Indication on 504b MODEL. - Mission Impossible puzzle can now have Must-Break inputs. - Added latching inputs option to Number of Inputs puzzle mode. - Added GAMEOVER folder to play music after the game is done. - Numbered sound files can now contain text in the filename after the number. - Bug fixes Version 1.24 - Oct 17, 2017 - Fixed bug where input sounds would no longer play, even after reset, when the Game Timer or Max Number of Tries expired. Version 1.23 - Oct 3, 2017 - Fixed bug where "Miss on Bad Input" option wouldn't fail the attempt if the previous button press was a higher value. Version 1.18 - Aug 4, 2017 - Added the option to use output 2 as an "input received" indicator in Input Sequence mode. This can be used to indicate to the players their input has been registered. It's more useful with the JR version that does not have sound to do this. Version 1.17 - Aug 3, 2017 - Added "1 try" to the maximum attempts option in the Advanced Settings. Version 1.16 - Jun 1, 2017 - Increased speed of input scanning so quick actions like ball drops can be used in an input sequence. - Added _MOMUSIC option in the SUCCESS folder that allows music from the GAMEON folder to continue after the puzzle has been solved. Version 1.14 - May 20, 2017 - More complex input sequences involving holding inputs and pulsing others are possible. - RFID filter moved to Advanced Options and enabled on a per input basis. - Unit can be reset if the success scene is playing. - E-Stop output now limited to 2.5 amps. - Other minor fixes Version 1.04 - Apr 25, 2017 - Initial public release